Diwali Temple
It’s that time of the year in the state of Karnataka in Haasan Nagar, where Haasanamba temple is opened only for 12 days during the Diwali festival. The specialty of this temple is that it remains closed throughout the year.
Anthagaasuran was a deadly demon who had rare powers. When someone hurts him every drop of his blood transforms into a demon, he won’t die. He got such huge powers from Lord Brahma. Also, he got a boon that he would be killed only by a woman. He thought women cannot hurt him let alone killing. He disturbed Devas and fought with them.

The Devas could do nothing but report to Lord Shiva who created a fiery power in the form of Yogeshwari. He also created Saptamaadhaargal Brahmi, Maheshwari, Karumaari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Indrani, Chamundi to support her. Sapta means seven. Yogeshwari along with her seven cohorts fought with Andhagaasuran.
Every drop of bloodshed from his body was sipped by the seven cohorts to save the world. Very soon he lost strength and succumbed to Yogeswari. This war took place at Varanasi.
After the victory, Lord shiva ordered the seven cohorts to move towards the south direction. As they moved down south, they loved the ambiance of the forests and decided to stay there.
Of the seven Vaishnavi, Maheswari and Karumari shrunk in size and stayed in an ant colony. Chamundi, Varahi, and Indrani stayed in a water pond. Brahmi stayed at a secluded place.

Later on, a Garbhgrah was built for the Tridevis. When people started living nearby an 81 feet gopuram was built in the temple.

Even today we can find the rock that was stopped by the Trisakthi Devis’ when a mother inlaw tried to kill her daughter in law. It is believed that the rock is inching slowly towards the garbha graha and when it reaches the Devis’ this kali yuga will come to an end.
A lamp is lit on Diwali which remains lit till next Diwali and the flowers offered to Devi remain fresh for a year until the temple is opened next year.
Haasan Nagar temple is open from Nov 5th to Nov 17th this year.