To be is being
Sunday ponderings!!
Wise being — being wise;
To be is being — being is to be!
What are you upto — upto what you are!
All in the game — The game in all!
what you see — see what you are…
Giving for taking
the quintessential love;
Adding up but also letting go
personates the prosperity;
bewildered for the inevitable
comprises our mind;
launch the declining
seals the zeal;
opposed acceptance
aspires the desire;
To grant the emptiness
Thy being;
Good from evil
acts the action;
united to be withdrawn
holds the human connections;
potency and knowledge
signifies one’s clarity;
Success to stand the defeat
hints that one’s trying;
committing mistakes
occurs the experience!!
being constantly in the present
in such a variable where
To be there is being — being is to be there!!!